Privacy Policy & Personal Data Protection

The website (hereinafter as “website”) belongs to our company under the name “SMART4ALL INTERNATIONAL PC “ Elliniko street no. 6, with Tax Identification Number (TIN) 800803947, as legally represented, and fully in compliance with all personal data protection laws, giving special importance to the collection, processing and protection of personal data of users.

The Company created this website with the sole purpose of serving their customers. The website is simple and user-friendly and has been designed to meet the specific needs of each user. In order to achieve the best service for everyone, it is important for our customer, to understand that he/she must provide us with specific information regarding the processing of his/hers order which is guarded by us.
The processing of personal data is done in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation of Personal Data Protection (FGD 2016/679), national and European legislation for certain areas, the current Greek legislation for the protection of personal data, as well as in the protection personal data and privacy in the field of electronic communications (Law 3471/2006, as applicable) and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority (APDPH). The company has adapted to the GDPR framework.
This Privacy Statement describes the method of data collection from the website, The use of this data by us and the terms and conditions of use of this website. This Privacy Statement refers exclusively to your personal data, which you provide to us during your orders on this website.

Personal Data

Personal data are information that identify you directly or indirectly. Indirectly means in conjunction with other information, such as your name, mailing address, e-mail and telephone number, or a unique device identification number.
The information provided voluntarily by the users of the mentioned website, is used by, so that to have direct and substantial communication with the store, to be provided with answers to specific questions they ask and finally to be served. The information collected by, through the website, aims to measure its traffic number, to determine the requirements of customers for more products and to facilitate transactions with the company. The does not distribute to any other organization or partner not affiliated with the email addresses, or any other information concerning users and customers, except to direct partners in the order service process.


Collecting Information

The is designed in such a way so the users can visit the site without having to reveal their identity unless they wish to. The visitors of our website are requested to provide us with their personal data only in case they want to order a product, to register on our website and / or to send an email to e

Information Collected Automatically During Your Visit and Usage of our Website

The present Website mainly functions for offering information on the visitor/client, and, therefore, simply web browsing does not demand the provision / import of any user’s personal data. However, in the case of simply visiting and browsing the website, some information might be automatically collected that could identify and concern you, directly or indirectly, such as:

  • Your device’s Internet Protocol address (IP address)
  • The kind of browser being used and the operational system
  • The websites you visited prior to, or after the usage of our Website
  • The connection speed and information about the software installed on your device
  • Basic information concerning your server
  • Information that is collected through HTML cookies, Flash cookies, web beacons and any other similar technologies (see the “Cookies” section).

Information that you Provide to Us with your consent

  • The visitor/user of the Website, given that he/she wishes so, may proceed in choosing the purchase field to make a purchase of the company’s product.
  • The visitor/user, after choosing the preferred product, for completing the order, will need to submit all the following pieces of information: name, surname, email address, credit card number, full name of credit card holder, expiration date, CVV/CVC code, and telephone number (optional).
  • The visitor/user of the website is also able to state any kind of preferences regarding his reservation, using the relevant form.
  • Finally, the visitor/user of the website should give the following information: country of origin, postal address, city/region, state, postal code, company/enterprise name, and any other comments or special inquiries, under the form of a free text.
  • After having completed the order by clicking on the field «accept and purchase», the user is asked to accept the Website’s terms and conditions, implying that he/she agrees with them as well as with the present Policy (sections of which he/she can read by clicking on the relevant hyperlink in order to get redirected on the specific Policy’s part).



Use of information collects five types of information about users: (1) information that the user gives us when registering as a customer, (2) information that the user gives us in order to execute his/hers order from, (3) information that the user gives us in competitions that are held from time to time, (4) information that the user gives us for activation of telephone and internet services, (5) information that the user gives us when connecting through another platform ( ios, android, Facebook, Google applications).
When filling out any order form on our website, you will be asked for your name, address, postal code of your area, your email address, your phone number, credit card details, how to pay for the order. Additionally, you may be asked for more specific information, such as shipping details of an order, invoicing details or details about the offer you have requested. makes use of the information you give us during the electronic submission of the form, to contact you regarding (i) the delivery of the order at your place, (ii) for confirmation and identification of the customer in any necessary case, (iii) for new or alternative products offered by, (iv) special offers of, (v) activation of telephone or internet service, (vi) receiving gifts after a lottery.
You can choose whether you want to receive such communications from by sending your request via e-mail to

Access to personal data
Every order processing requires the collection of personal data, for delivery or reservation of it. Also, the use of a credit card, for the debit of which proof documents of identification of a legal holder are required for the first and only time is guaranteed in each case. Any supporting document and document certifying and stating the identity of the customer remains strictly confidential and is checked only by the responsible department of The submission of your personal data means that you consent that the data will be used by the employees of for the reasons mentioned above. requires its employees and the maintainers of the website to provide users – customers with the level of security mentioned in this Privacy Statement. In no other case can share your personal information with others without your prior consent unless this is required through legal channels.

Use of personal data
We will use your personal data for the purposes described above. We do not collect or process more or any other type of personal data than is necessary to fulfill the intended purpose. We will only use personal data in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy unless you have specifically provided your consent to another use of them. If we intend to use your personal data which we process with your consent, for purposes other than those disclosed in this consent, we will notify you in advance and, in cases where the processing is based on your consent, we will use your personal data for a different purpose only with your permission.
We use your personal data, exclusively for your benefit, for cases of service of your requests such as:
• Your messages through the contact form of the website
• Your messages via email
• Personalize your website experience
• Provide advertising or other content according to your preferences
• Diagnose problems and identify security risks, errors, or required improvements.
• Detect and prevent interception, exploitation, fraud, and abuse of our systems.

Use of customer data for advertising purposes
Wanting to continually improve and enhance our services, we may send you email marketing messages related to our business, which may be interesting to you. You can select the types of communications you want to receive at any time by updating your email preferences. You can also unsubscribe at any time. Sending SMS to the mobile phone number, which you have stated to us during your order, is done in order to inform you about the progress of it. You can choose from the account you have created on our website whether you want to receive advertising / promotional material via SMS.
– Consent: We will not use your data for advertising purposes unless you have given your prior express and free consent. However, for existing customers, we may use the email address we received from you as part of our existing customer relationship to provide you with marketing materials related to similar products or services that you have previously requested, used, or may have used. You may, however, object to this at the time of collection and whenever a message is sent. To stop receiving emails for marketing purposes, follow the instructions in the email you receive.

Legal obligations and legal defense
We may need to use and maintain personal data for legal and compliance reasons, such as preventing, detecting, or investigating a crime, preventing loss, fraud, or any other misuse of our services and information systems. We may also use your personal information for internal and external audit purposes, information security purposes, or to protect or enforce our rights, privacy, security, our property, or those of others.

Information & Data Exchange
The Company respects your right to protect your privacy and the information that concerns you. Therefore, the Company uses this information for the aforementioned purposes. For this reason, it does not disclose, transmit or make available the information about you accessible to third parties, unless it is required to fulfill the processing purposes described in this Policy. It does not also transmit this information outside the European Union.
However, we may make information about you available to other companies, applications, or persons in the following cases:
• To the extent that is necessary for the operation of the website and the implementation of processing, the Company may transfer your personal data to third parties. We may disclose your personal data to partner companies in the context of the completion of our legal contracts and / or our group companies or subsidiaries, and trusted third party service providers with whom we work to perform services on our behalf, such as: a) Processing credit card payments (in a secure environment, Banking e-commerce, PayPal) b) Analysis of our Services c) Communication with you, for example via email or research inquiry d) Customer relationship management.
We disclose your personal information only for a third party to provide the services as required for you. These third parties (and any subcontractors) are subject to strict terms and conditions regarding the processing of data and you are prohibited from using, disclosing or keeping them for any purpose other than that assigned to them (or without your consent). Generally, the third-party providers will collect, and disclose your information enabling them to perform the services provided by us. In this case, the Company will take all necessary measures so that the associates, who have been specifically authorized for this purpose, are fully committed to the confidentiality and the obligations provided in the legislation regarding the collection and processing of the above data.
• In addition, we may disclose information about you to investigate, prevent or take action in connection with illegal activities, if there is a suspicion of illegal conduct or criminal acts to the detriment of the rights and legitimate interests of any natural or legal person, in the event of a breach of the Terms of Use of our Website or if required by law, as well as in other cases in which we consider in good faith that the disclosure of the information is necessary.
• Finally, we may disclose information about you to respond to subpoenas, search warrants, litigation, court orders, legal proceedings, or other law enforcement measures by any competent authority, including the Personal Data Protection Authority and the Supervisory Authorities. Data protection of other Member States of the European Union, as well as to safeguard and defend our rights or to refute claims against us.
Please note that third parties may independently collect data, including your IP address and information about the websites you visit and the links you click, through cookies, click-throughs, or other links. media during your visit. For more information, see the “Cookies” section below.
How Long Time We Keep your Information
The Company will maintain the data collected from the Website only for the necessary period for the completion of the above expressed processing purposes and its lawful obligations. In case you wish to recall your consent for the process of your personal data, we will proceed in deleting them from the electronic and any physical files we keep, unless their maintenance is necessary as pointed by the law in cases of defend of our rights or our legal interests in court.
Security of Information
The security of your personal data is absolute commitment for us. To achieve this, we apply all the modern and appropriate for editing purposes technical and organizational means, whose response and adequacy we check frequently.

Third-Parties’ Websites
The Website offers the ability to browse in websites of third parties through relevant links. Those links serve the purpose of the easier use of the Website, while the websites to which the users get redirect follow the privacy policies and regulations of the relevant companies. The use of the links does not indicate the consent of content of the respective websites by the administrator of the Website, who is not responsible for their content, neither for their practices of privacy or the accuracy of details they include. The Company has no control over the websites that belong to third parties or their content, the use of which happens through this website or is provided to it, and, therefore, the Company does not stand for, fund, counsels or takes any responsibility for those websites or their content. If the user decides to visit, through our Website, any of those third parties’ websites, he accepts that he proceeds in it at his own risks.

Your rights
You may exercise the following rights:

  • The right of access, in order to find out which of your data we process, the reason we do so and who their receivers are.
  • The right of correction, in order to correct any missing or inaccurate information.
  • The right of delete or, otherwise, right to be forgotten, in order to have your data deleted from our files, given that their maintenance and process is no longer needed in our compliance with our legal actions or the defending of our legal interests before the Courts.
  • The right of edit restriction, in the case of questioning the accuracy of your data.
  • The right to portability, to receive your data in a structured and commonly used format
  • The right to object, if you do not wish the use of your data for direct commercial promotion of our services, including the objection for profile creation. (We inform you that our Website does not use your personal information for direct promotion and does not proceed in the creation of profile using automated methods of data processing).

If you want to exercise your rights, you may send a relevant request to the Company to the following email address:
The Company will make every possible effort to respond to your request within thirty (30) days after receipt. However, in the case of your request’s complexity due to the amount of information, the fulfilment of your inquiry may not be achievable within this time-frame. In that case the Company bounds to inform you within a logical time-time period about the reasons of the delay, as well as to make utmost efforts to finalize the case as soon as possible and, in any case, in less than two additional months period.
The company preserves the right not to fulfil your request, in the case that it is defined as obviously unfounded or excessive, informing you about the reasons for the non-completion.
In any case, you maintain the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority. (

Secure Transactions is committed to ensure the security and integrity of the data collection of the website. has adopted procedures that protect the personal data that users submit or provide by any other means (eg by telephone). These processes protect users’ data from any unauthorized access or disclosure, loss or misuse, and alteration or destruction. They also help to certify that this information is accurate and used correctly. Your connection to it is secured because it uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology. SSL technology relies on a key code to encrypt data before they sent over the (SSL) connection. The security control between the data and the Server is based on the unique key code, ensuring full communication. The browsers Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari support the SSL protocol and their use is recommended for the connection to the website of

Contact Forms
The website uses various contact forms which collect the necessary information that the company needs to serve your requests. The sending of the data is done with your consent only, since before sending the respective form, the website requires you to accept the present text. The data – personal or non-personal – are stored on the website and are protected by the means established by the company to safeguard the personal data of users.
Tracking Codes
To track the behavior of the website visitors, codes are used to record various third-party information such as Google Analytics, Facebook and others. These information are not contain personal data of users and are collected by the above services for various reasons such as website traffic statistics, ad performance, display of advertising messages on third party websites (remarketing).

Time to time Changes
Constantly expands, updates, and improves both the website, and the related products or services. As a result will update its policy. We encourage you to read this process at regular intervals to be informed of any changes of the content. This policy will be modified from time to time without prior notice to users. Acceptance of the Privacy Protection Procedures applied by
If you use this website, you accept and consent to this Privacy Statement as well as to the terms and conditions of use of the website announced through it.
Contact the Company
In any case you can contact us at the following details and request any information or action regarding your personal data.
Telephone: +30 2160027021
The Data Protection Officer of our company will respond to you immediately, providing access to any information you wish.